Uplevel Your Photography Business to Be Six-Figure Prepped In Just Six Weeks & Join The Abundance Club

Abundance Is One Part Manifestation and One Part Formula. Together, we’re going to uplevel both.

Let’s face it. You’re a talented photographer, but you’re not getting any clients. And the clients you do get are barely helping you make ends meet.

Trust us, we get it. In 2020, we were both charging $350 a session for all of the images… sound familiar? Learn how we turned our photography hobby into a collective $350,000 in just ONE year after implementing the Abundance Formula Strategy!

If you know the life of mini-sessions and free shoots, trust us, we’ve been there. We felt like high-paying clients were a myth.

Chances are you have amazing work, you’re a badass at editing, and you’re an excellent people-person. So why aren’t clients lining up around the block ready to book a high-paying session with you?

Here’s the truth that took us a while to learn. We weren’t pricing our collections properly, we sent massive digital galleries for clients to choose their own photos, and we attracted the wrong kind of customer by not valuing our work. Sound familiar?

Pricing has a structure when it comes to high ticket sales averages, and we leave money on the table when we aren’t doing IPS. The more you learn to value what you create for other people, the more likely you are to start raising your abundant AF vibration.

After all, abundance is part manifestation and part formula. We have the formula.

In our coaching sessions, we’ll teach you the basics of what helped us build multiple 6-figure businesses in just one year. This formula includes money mindset, strategic pricing, IPS, automating your business, Instagram Ads, and lead generating websites. Get ready for the most abundant year of your photography career yet!

Okay, imagine this…

You travel 10+ weeks out of the year, and still make 6-figures.

You have LESS clients but MORE time and MORE abundance!

Your starving artist mindset gets a TOTAL revamp, and wealth becomes NORMAL.

You consistently make $10k+ months, because you have the strategy.

You work SMARTER not HARDER.

Your clients spend an average of $2000 - $4000 every session.

Your $3000 clients are MORE GRATEFUL than your $300 clients.

Shall we go on?!

If you’re ready to CHANGE YOUR LIFE, The Abundance Formula IS for you.


Welcome to the Abundance Formula! My name is Megan, and I’m the Aquarian tech baby behind the reels, this website, and the content. Sindy (on the right) is the trusted Taurus mentor + coach who (plot twist) COACHED ME!

Why are we HUGE advocates of The Abundance Formula? Because we both were struggling artists turned multi-six figure luxury photographers, and we want to help other abundant babes do the same!

We know this process WORKS because we’ve helped handfuls of other amazing, talented, and warm-hearted photographers go from broke to bank-rollin’ in as little as SIX months.

Are you ready to take the leap? We’re your biggest soul advocates, your cheerleaders, your tough-lovin’ mentors, and your #1 fans. AND we can’t wait to talk with you!

Schedule your FREE strategy session below, and we’ll help give you clarity on wherever you feel most stuck in your existing or brand new business. No Gatekeeping, Babe. Just spreading the love and spreading the wealth. Come on in!



Building a six-figure business is part manifestation, but it’s also part formula. With The Abundance Formula, we’ll walk you through every pillar in just six weeks.

The tools you’ll learn will last you a lifetime, transforming your photography hobby or business into a profitable career that can easily replace your 9-5.

Abundance Club Members

Meet Your Teachers


After years of working corporate, Megan quit her job during 2020 to pursue her photography business full time. After feeling stuck in 2021, she finally decided to lean into Sindy’s wise words of wisdom, taking Megan’s business to a six-figure studio in just 6 months.


After years of working as a traveling photographer, Sindy took her business to a new level in 2020, becoming a six-figure photographer in 2021, and a multi six-figure boudoir photographer in 2022. Her client calendar remains booked and busy, though, so does her vacation schedule.

The Abundance Formula Six-Figure Photographer Coaching

Limited Availability

The Abundance Club VIP Group: For those ready to TAKE UP SPACE.

Ready to uplevel your wealth mindset and your photography business? Join us on Instagram in our Abundance Club VIP Group, where we talk no gatekeeping strategies + systems.

Because we KNOW how LIFE-CHANGING this formula has been for us, we want to help each of you level up in ways you never imagined to be possible. Shoot less. Live more. Travel often. This is our motto. Join us!


Megan & Sindy | The Abundance Formula